A Gold Coast Chicago apartment walk with Stephanie

Chicago’s Gold Coast is one of the easiest locations you can imagine in which to find an apartment. Within a 5-minute walk of the corner of Dearborn and Davison you’ll find dozens of vintage and contemporary apartment buildings with a wide range of rental options.

On a sunny Friday afternoon I met Stephanie Konow at Dearborn and Division for a brief look at 8 apartment buildings along a short 2-block stretch of Dearborn just south of our starting point. In most cases you can simply walk into the on-site management office and quickly see what’s available for rent. Or you can do your research online at YoChicago.com and ChicagoRentalsDirect.com and select the few area buildings that suit your needs.

Stephanie and Katie Bommarito, former apartment rental agents, recently co-founded ChicagoRentalsDirect.com which enables renters to be their own agent and connect directly with Chicago landlords.

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