Spotlight on poor development in the South Loop

Discontent is building with the quality of some residential construction in the hyperactive South Loop housing market. Aldermanic candidates are making shoddy construction an issue, and The Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance, speaking out about allegedly shoddy construction work and developers shirking responsibility, in a couple of Chicago Sun-Times stories today.

Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance board president, Tina Feldstein, says her Prairie East Town Homes development spent $13,000 to repair leaks in new roofs. Her condo board decided not to sue the developer because the legal costs would have exceeded the amount they wanted to recover, she said. Feldstein says that suing developers becomes difficult when they dissolve their limited liability companies.

Attorney Mark Pearlstein, who represents homeowner associations, urges buyers to try to identify any defects and report them to the developer within a year of the residents assuming control of the condo board.

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