Sue first, ask questions later

By now everyone from The Wall Street Journal to the Sun-Times has reported Horizon Realty Group’s lawsuit against a tenant over an allegedly defamatory post on Twitter.

The Sun-Times quotes Horizon’s Jeff Michael as saying that “We’re a sue first, ask questions later kind of an organization.” The lawsuit was filed, according to the Sun-Times, because Horizon “has a good reputation it wants to preserve.”

It’s been several years since I researched Horizon, but at that time I opined it was “as bad as it gets” and reported on a tenant describing a Horizon property as a “hell hole.” Here are some of my other posts on Horizon:

Another landlord horror story

Horizon threatens to arrest me

Horizon Realty Group sinks even lower

With his “sue first” statement, Jeff Michael may have done more harm to Horizon’s reputation than anyone else possibly could.

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