The surprising restaurant scene near Park Michigan Apartments

The Park Michigan Apartments, at 1212 South Michigan, is one of our clients and every time I’ve visited I’ve noticed a restaurant — or two — that I hadn’t seen before.

I started out with a North Sider’s assumption that the South Loop comes up short on dining options once you get past the franchises that you’ll find almost anywhere.

A few days ago I set out for a systematic look at the area within about two blocks of Park Michigan, and what I found surprised me — about 3 dozen restaurants, pubs and food establishments.

That’s including the soon-to-open Artists Café, but not counting places like Trader Joe’s, Jewel, Target, Sky Market, and tailgating at Soldier Field — or the restaurants at the nearby Museum Campus.

If you’re considering a new place to live, hop on the Red Line, get off on Roosevelt Road, and take a walk around — or just join me in the video for a brief look at the scene.

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