YoChicago’s social media presence

YoChicago maintains an active, frequently-updated presence in major social media venues and posts relevant content on advertiser Facebook pages. We monitor advertiser mentions on a number of local websites and chime in with relevant comments.

YouTube trails only Google as the internet’s most-popular search engine. YoChicago is a YouTube Channel Partner and hosts all of its videos at YouTube. YouTube frequently promotes YoChicago videos adjacent to related content. The YoChicago YouTube channel has more than 5,000 subscribers, and over 5.3 million views.

All YoChicago posts are tweeted. YoChicago’s Twitter feed has more than 2,600 followers.

All YoChicago posts are promoted on our primary Facebook page. YoChicago’s Facebook presence includes a YoChicago page with more than 1,300 Likes and a High-rise living in Chicago page with more than 500 Likes.

YoChicago Likes advertiser Facebook pages and occasionally posts relevant photos and content on them.

All YoChicago posts are fed to our Google+ site, which has been visited more than 40,000 times.

Flickr is an under-appreciated social media venue. YoChicago maintains a Pro account at Flickr with more than 14,000 photos that have generated nearly 5.6 million views.

Other social media
We occasionally promote relevant content in a non-intrusive fashion at EveryBlock, Reddit, Crain’s, Chicago Curbed and other sites.

Note: All statistics are as of late November, 2015.

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