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It's a Good Friday for condo buyers in Lake View

SmilesonInvsco.jpgIf Thanksgiving sucked for Nicholas “Condo King” Gouletas of American Invsco, the Easter Bunny is making up for it. After years of knock-down drag-out fights with the city and local residents, American Invsco will finally get its super-tower at 3600 Lake Shore Drive – but it will be 20 stories shorter than the company had hoped. Still, it’s an Easter miracle.The developer has been praying for years that this deal will come off, but all looked lost when the city downzoned the site on Invsco a few years back. With a nasty court battle looming, the city and the developer have reached a settlement where Invsco gets to build a 212-unit, 28-story tower, and 16 townhouses on vacant land at 3600 North Lake Shore Drive.

Few details of the development are available, except that the condos will be one to two bedrooms, and the townhouses will have two to three bedrooms. All of the high-rise units will have angled balconies to offer views of the lake.

Yo wonders whether Mother Cabrini is smiling down on American Invsco over at the old Columbus Hospital site where Gouletas is engaged in a holy war with Lincoln Parkers over plans to build a luxury high-rise.

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