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535 St Clair plays coy as it finalizes plans

Click for larger imageIf there’s one thing we hate in real estate, it’s a tease (Ok, that’s not really true, but still). Anyone else have their curiosity piqued by the sparse advertisements for 535 St Clair, offering little more than a splashy picture and the words “Live Here”? Well, a call to the developer, Sutherland Pearsall, revealed that there are actually few details to offer.

According to Jerry Houlihan, director of marketing, the company has put a hault to advertising while the developer nails down the details (everything from the number of units to the number of stories is in flux, we’re told). First to spot an advert with some actual info wins a mystery prize. Why is it a mystery prize? Like Sutherland Pearsall, we’re still working on the details…

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