Renting at the high end

Chicago rents don’t approach the $100K and up a month that you’ll find in Manhattan, or even the $60K that’s not uncommon in LA.

To catch up on the local high-end rental market, YoChicago caught up with Rubloff’s Barbara Stewart, who has long been the “go-to gal” for Chicago condo and single-family home rentals.

Stewart’s current listings peak out with a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath Lincoln Park house at 2612 N. Magnolia, renting for just $15,000 a month.

According to Stewart, units have become difficult to rent in buildings that don’t offer the four must-have features: “stainless steel, granite, hardwood and an in-unit washer / dryer. Those are the things that are in demand, at all prices.”

Stewart reports an adequate supply of higher-end condo rentals.

“Because of the investor market, we have enough supply to accommodate the demand. There are a lot of investor units. Buyers are taking delivery and renting out the units. You are able in some of the new buildings to get a new 2 bedroom, 2 bath with all of the above for as little as $2,200. If you want a view, you pay more.”

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