Admiring the four-plus-one

Four-plus-one at 6201 N Kenmore Ave in Edgewater, Chicago Four-plus-one at 5450 N Winthrop Ave in Edgewater, Chicago

A Chicago Sojourn dedicated a post this week to “the painted concrete artistry” of four-plus-one entryways in Edgewater, many of which were designed by Jerome Soltan. “Love ’em or hate ’em, they’re certainly expressive,” writes author Robert Powers. (Thanks to Edgewater Community Buzz for the link.)

In an interview with the Chicago Tribune in 1969, reprinted in an extensive entry about four-plus-ones at Forgotten Chicago, Soltan said of the buildings, “They can be built well…and I think they will last. I can’t see any reason why they won’t be there in another forty years.”

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