Chicago's best and worst balconies

Chicago balconies

This balcony, at Belmont and Sheffield, has to be our favorite. Why? Oh, there are almost too many reasons to list. For one thing, it’s the only balcony on the entire building, which makes it special. For another, it’s done almost as much as the tasteful “1000 Liquors” sign to bring what used to be a beautiful vintage building with terrific terra cotta in line with a more contemporary cultural idiom. And do we even have to mention convenience? Stage left is 1000 Liquors, with its exciting array of beverages, and stage right is Big City Tap, which is open until 4 a.m. – 5 a.m. on Saturdays, when the line can snake half a block (right under the balcony) in the wee hours. Send us your votes and photos (we love photos) to nominate Chicago’s best and worst balconies.

1000 Liquors

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