Video links added to Yo’s at-a-glance apartment list

We’re always trying to find ways to make your apartment hunt easier and less time-consuming.

Our at-a-glance list of downtown and Lincoln Park apartments is one of those ways. It’s a downloadable spreadsheet of every apartment complex and major management company in the covered areas, with links to property Web sites, a grid showing available apartment types, and Yelp and Apartment Ratings reviews, where available. You can find more info and videos from the covered neighborhoods at our rental Guides.

We believe there’s no better assist to your apartment search than a video tour of the property and neighborhood. We’ve added a column to the at-a-glance list with links to available videos that we consider helpful, whether or not we shot them. Still slide show with background music “videos” don’t qualify. It’s been our experience that consumers find them annoying – and the low view counts on the slide show variety reflect that distaste.

There are currently only about 16 video links. We’re scanning for more and welcome your feedback if you’ve seen one. Landlords have been slow to grasp the value of video, but we’re doing our best to get them to buy into something that renters very much want to see.

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