Christmas on Cleveland, Wilmette’s winter wonderland

The northeast corner of Cleveland and Thornwood in Wilmette is home, once again, to an enchanting display of Christmas lights and music.

Wilmette resident Steve Maris has outfitted his home with an array of Christmas figures and more than 50,000 lights computer-controlled by more than 300 separate channels. Maris puts on the show, in part, for the benefit of Lurie Children’s Hospital, and to the delight of all who experience it.

The show runs from 4 to 9 on week nights and until 10 on weekends, weather permitting, until New Year’s.

I’ll revisit the show as the holiday nears and provide a lengthier video. In the meantime, you can head to Wilmette and see it yourself. Repeat visits are encouraged, since different songs will play on different nights.

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