Do smoke-free apartment buildings outnumber unicorns?

Yesterday’s email included the following from a resident of a River North high-rise with a smoke-free policy:

I have had smokers on my floor for some time now – since last summer. The building I live in is ‘smoke free.’ I have notified the front office staff numerous times over the last 9 months about the smoke on my floor. They claim there is lengthy process to get rid of these tenants even though the no smoke addendum is in our lease and we all sign it.

I’ve found the door staff in a high-rise to be a good source of information about life in the building. That’s not to say that they’ll tell you some of the things they tell me.

What I hear is that smoke-free high-rises are as common as unicorns – they simply don’t exist in the real world. It’s easy to get smokers to sign a pledge, not so easy to get them to honor it, and difficult to enforce.

The smoke I typically smell in high-rises – and I smell it fairly often – is the kind that’s now legal in Colorado.

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