University of Chicago, gentrification changing Woodlawn

ChiKat, our writer in Woodlawn, has a bone to pick with the University of Chicago. In her latest post, ChiKat laments that the university, which has ostensibly made every effort to reach out to Woodlawn as its campus pushes south, keeps the snowy sidewalks in Hyde Park spic-and-span but seems to stop plowing at 60th Street. “If they really want to show us that they care, how about they plow their $%^# sidewalks in Woodlawn?!,” she writes.

ChiKat also calls another Woodlawn issue to our attention:

In Woodlawn’s case, the steady increase in middle-income blacks has done more to change the neighborhood than the 3% of white people who have bought condos here.

Check out her entire post and let us know if you’d like to jump in on a journal of your own.

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