Chicago apartment deals

Aerial view of downtown Chicago

The grid below has links to building websites, near real-time rent and availability info, and summary descriptions of special offers to which additional terms may apply. Offers may be time-limited and may change at any time. All participants are YoChicago advertisers.

Neighborhood names in Column A link to our comprehensive apartment guide pages, which list virtually every property in the neighborhood and include links to video tours and structured information about each property’s apartments, amenities and location. Abbreviations in the Apts column describe the type of units available at a property, e.g. S for Studio, C for convertible, 1 for 1-bedroom.

Working with a rental service broker
One of the (many) lies that rental services tell renters is that they can negotiate a better deal for you. In fact, you surrender all your negotiating leverage when you’re working with a broker who’s being paid by the landlord / management company. Your only hope for a deal when you’re represented by a broker is to negotiate a rebate of a portion of the broker’s commission. Ask about the compensation that they’re being paid, and demand a rebate of everything over a half-month’s rent. A half-month’s rent is the co-op commission that brokers receive on condo rentals, and condo rentals are typically more time-consuming for the broker.

We pre-screen our sponsoring advertisers, and work only with Chicago’s best landlords. We can’t guarantee that you’ll have a great experience when you rent from one of them, but we’re confident that these professional companies do their best to ensure that you have a great experience.

If you like what you see here, pass this page along to someone you know who’s looking for an apartment. Encourage buildings that aren’t on our grid to make apartment hunting easier and info about special offers more readily available.

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