Mather's is more than just a cafe to Chatham

Mather's Mather's

Many neighborhoods have well-loved cafes, but few are as integral to the community as Mather’s is to Chatham and its environs. From the outside, Mather’s, 33 E 83rd St, looks like a trendy place where young professionals talk loudly on cell phones. There is no doubt that Mather’s sets out to be contemporary, but its purpose is far greater than pumping hipsters full of caffeine. It’s actually a not-for-profit organization for “older persons to live, work, learn, contribute and play.”

Operating under the motto of “Mather’s – More Than a Cafe,” it is one of four cafes that Evanston-based Mather LifeWays operates in Chicagoland. Inside the cafe, seniors can grab a meal, do yoga, use the internet or take a class. It’s a boon to an area with so many retirees. Nearly 30 percent of the 50,000 residents in the 6th Ward are senior citizens, according to Francine Smith of Ald. Freddrenna Lyle’s office.

Although Mather’s is geared toward seniors, cafe manager Beedie Jones says people of all ages are welcome.

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