Change of plan for Park 1000?

1000 S Michigan Ave

Construction timetables have been drawn up and thrown out for Renaissant Development‘s Park 1000 over the past couple years, and still the planned 40-story high-rise hasn’t gotten off the ground. Now, more than two years after it was first announced on Yo, construction crews are nowhere in sight, and as far as I know, there’s still a surface parking lot at 1000 S Michigan Ave.

Antoinette Cannatello from the Park 1000 sales center says that construction on the high-rise will probably be postponed until spring of 2009, and that part of the building could potentially be used as a hotel. If the hotel option is pursued, it’s likely that the building will have fewer than the 346 condos that were originally planned, but Cannatello isn’t sure what the developer will decide. Either way, she says they are still planning to go ahead the 40-story high-rise, as it was originally designed.

The above photo is one that Joel posted in 2006 of the gap in the Michigan Avenue streetwall that Park 1000 would fill.

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