Search query: 2930 sheridan

The past six months: Recent sales at 2930 Sheridan Tower
Sometimes it's fun to single out an address just to see what's moving and for how much, regardless of whether the homes are developer-owned or resales [...]

Price reductions at 2930 Sheridan
This morning, @properties agent Robert Darrow posted a roundup of some of the major price reductions on condo developments that are being sold by @p [...]

A cold wind blows at 2930 North Sheridan
Five years ago YoChicago was writing about the recently-announced condo conversion at 2930 North Sheridan, in Lake View. We revisited the developm [...]

2930 N Sheridan gets a name change (again)
Just when we were getting used to "Aquilo," Kroupa Development's 22-story conversion at 2930 N Sheridan Rd goes an pulls a switcheroo on us.
As we've [...]

Bank plans bulk sale for Kroupa’s Sheridan condos
Seems like every brokerage in Chicago took a turn with the high-rises at 2930 and 3033 N Sheridan Rd in Lake View. Now North Community Bank will try i [...]

Goodbye Sheridan Tower… hello Aquilo!
It seems like every time we turn around, someone has rebranded this Lakeview East tower. Back in the day, Kroupa Development's 22-story conversion at [...]

Chicago deal of the day: $5,000 closing costs credit at Sheridan Tower
Twenty Nine Thirty Sheridan Tower, a 22-story condo conversion at 2930 N Sheridan Rd, is offering buyers a $5,000 closing cost credit through Sept 30. [...]

Deal of the day: free flat-panel TV, cheaper parking at Sheridan Tower
If Frigidaire stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and Brizo faucets aren't enough to get you excited, the condos at Sheridan Tower also [...]

Project update: Sheridan Tower in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood
Deliveries for Sheridan Tower, a 22-story apartment conversion at 2930 N Sheridan Road, begin next week. The last time we posted about the developme [...]

Nina critiques Sheridan Tower condo conversion in Lake View
It's no mystery why our first post on the conversion of Sheridan Tower, 2930 N Sheridan Rd, elicited many comments. The location overlooking Lincoln P [...]

Kroupa talks Sheridan Tower condo conversion
Talk of a slowing housing market doesn't faze Kroupa Development president Bob Kroupa: he thinks now is the perfect time to introduce Sheridan Tower [...]

Yo in review: March 21 – 28
Can't keep up with YoChicago throughout the week? Here are some stories you may have missed:
An overview of the West Loop's Haberdasher Square Loft [...]

Spacious Lakeview East apartments steps from the park
The contemporary high-rise at 350 West Oakdale has studio and one-bedrooms currently available.
The apartments have all new wood-look floors, [...]

FHA-approved developments in Lake View
There aren't a lot of developments in Lake View that have completed the entire HUD review or Direct Endorsement Lender review process necessary to obt [...]
Quote of the day: "Kicking the can"
...I find that selling units to actual home buyers is the more desirable alternative to developers facing tough decisions in this marketplace. Too of [...]

More than 100 condos left in "Lakeview's fastest selling development"
Sheridan Tower's Web site welcomes visitors with news that the Lakeview East high-rise is "Lakeview's fastest selling development!" The sign outside t [...]

More condos on the way for Lakeview East
This "special to the Chicago Tribune" caught our eyes this morning, and not simply for its lack of detail. According to the Trib, Forman Realty plans [...]