
A home buyer talks about Superior 110 and River North

Over the past several years I’ve heard 100s of tales about home shoppers’ indecisiveness and hesitancy in making decisions. It’s always refreshing to talk to actual buyers, many of whom make quick decisions.

In 2006 Wil Davis, the President and CEO of Gary Jet Center, had been looking at a high-rise near Soldier Field. When the price he’d been quoted was raised by $25,000 he headed to River North with his real estate agent to look at Superior 110. He signed a contract the same day, after seeing only plans and pictures, based in part on his confidence in his real estate agent and Greg Eldridge, who was handling sales for the project.

Wil’s years as a helicopter gunship pilot and his experience building a company that employs 50 people made it easier for him to make quick judgments, assess people, and trust his instincts. As you’ll see in the video, he’s confident he made the right decision in his purchase at Superior 110.

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