
A New York view into Wrigley Field

Writing about the Roosevelt Collection yesterday put me in a New York state of mind.

It’s been several years since residents moved into the Roosevelt Collection with the anticipation that they’d soon be living in the midst of a thriving retail and dining scene that still hasn’t materialized.

Back in 1987 tenants signed leases at The New York apartment building, 3660 N Lake Shore Drive, with the expectation that they’d be enjoying a food court, an indoor swimming pool and an extensive fitness center. The original tenants saw their leases expire without ever having seen the promised amenities.

The fitness center and pool at The New York were eventually completed, years later, by a private operator and are now operated by Fitness Formula Clubs.

The 48-story, 594-unit New York, which bills itself as “the world’s tallest masonry building,” was converted to condominiums in 2000.

The New York is set back from Lake Shore Drive. The site was originally planned to include a second tower flanking the garage to the south and townhomes on the area that’s now a green lawn.

If you want to buy a high-rise condo with a good view into Wrigley Field, The New York is probably your best option. You’ll want to investigate the building thoroughly, however, due to its many foreclosures and short sales.

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