
A video look at Helmut Jahn’s University of Chicago utility plants

Architect / photographer Tom Rossiter and architectural historian Jay Pridmore are teaming up on a new book titled Building Ideas; an Architectural Guide to the University of Chicago.

The video above, which features Helmut Jahn talking about his designs for two utility plants for the University of Chicago’s Hyde Park campus, is the first of fifteen videos that Rossiter is making in conjunction with the book. The videos will “provide the basis for electronic walking tours of the campus.” Subscribe to Rossiter’s Vimeo channel to see more.

If you’ve never been on a non-virtual walking tour of the University of Chicago campus, you’ve missed many of the city’s great sights and sites. Rossiter’s beautifully-realized videos are likely to inspire more people to visit the U of C campus in person.

Back in February of 2009 YoChicago’s Mark Boyer took a drive around the campus of his alma mater:

Michael Kardas captured a great view of the University of Chicago Quadrangles on one of YoChicago’s helicopter tours. You can see more of our aerial photography at Flickr.

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