
Another month, another meeting for Webster Square

Outgoing Ald. Vi Daley wants to send Webster Square through one more community meeting before letting the development have its day in front of the City Council Zoning Committee.

Sandz Development’s plans for the old Lincoln Park Hospital were supposed to go to the committee today, but Daley “has asked that another community meeting be held on Monday night so that the neighborhood can learn of the changes approved by both the [Plan] Commission and the City Departments,” project reps told us this afternoon. The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday at Lincoln Park High School.

Those changes include “the preservation of the vacant lots on Webster and utilization of the existing service drive, the reduction in height of the Grant buildings (to 47 feet), the set back of the two top floors of the condominium building, the internalization of all truck movements, removing the need for backing-in from the street, and the restriction on delivery hours to ensure safety and smooth traffic flows,” according to developers.

A media release from Sandz issued last week said a majority of residents living within both a 100-foot radius and broader 250-foot radius of a planned Fresh Market grocery store (currently the focus of opponents’ wrath, given that it will be the first part of the development to emerge) support the development, based on house-by-house canvassing.

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