HomeApartments, rentals

Apartment hunting? Pounding the pavement still a top option

Sometimes the best way to find an apartment in a neighborhood you love is to walk the streets searching “For Rent” signs for something in your price range.

Before our friend Steve moved into his Lake View garden apartment, he lived above Lincoln Station, a bar in Lincoln Park. He loved the area’s proximity to the el, not to mention the bars nearby (especially the one beneath his living room). He found his place above Lincoln Station one night when he went to the bar and noticed a “For Rent” sign on another doorway to the same building. He took down the number to schedule a look-see. After seeing the place, as well as how affordable it was, he moved in.

A YoChicago writer and her husband also found their apartment by exploring neighborhoods when they decided to move here from San Francisco. They wrote about their experience in YoChicago’s Bucktown journal.

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