Breaking news from last September – homeowners’ associations financial problems

Today’s Sun-Times, via the Associated Press, reports on a Community Associations Institute survey:

Of the nation’s 300,000 homeowners’ associations, more than 50 percent face “serious financial problems,” according to a September survey by the Community Associations Institute, a trade group.

Boards are increasingly foreclosing on people 60 days past due on association fees, says Evan McKenzie, a University of Illinois political science professor and the author of the book Beyond Privatopia: Rethinking Residential Private Government.

Homeowners typically have no right to a hearing, he said.

“These are banana republics,” McKenzie says.

What prompted this untimely story and the strange reference to “banana republics?” It’s hard not to imagine a drunken AP reporter seething over a foreclosure notice for unpaid assessments.

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