Category: Apartments

The Lincoln Park apartments at-a-glance list
We've just published the first draft of our Lincoln Park apartments at-a-glance list.
The list – a work in progress – contains links to over 10 [...]
Every Gold Coast, Near North, River North and Streeterville apartment complex on one map
View Apartments for rent in Chicago's Gold Coast, Near North, River North, Old Town, Streeterville in a larger map
We've had a number of requests t [...]
Yo’s South Loop apartment list on a map
View Apartments for rent in Fulton River District, Loop, New East Side, South Loop, University Village and West Loop in a larger map
We've heard yo [...]

Who is Chicago’s largest apartment rental service?
At least 3 companies claim the title of Chicago's largest apartment rental service.
According to its Web site, The Apartment People is "Chicago [...]
Slow rentals at Echelon at K Station?
If you're working with a rental service that's touting Echelon at K Station over the alternatives, the reason may be Echelon's latest incentive offer [...]

Yo’s newest apartment Guide – Lake View
Finding an apartment in many Chicago’s neighborhoods is a quick, pleasant walk in the park compared to finding one in New York and many other cit [...]

Money for nothing moves agents in dire straits
One of the many dirty little secrets of the rental services business is that landlords sometimes pay more than one month's rent as a commission. T [...]

Lake View added to Yo’s at-a-glance apartment list
We've expanded YoChicago's at-a-glance apartment list to include Lake View in addition to Lincoln Park and Chicago's downtown neighborhoods.

New additions to Yo’s apartment rental bedbug do-not-call list
Earlier today I spent about half an hour searching Craigslist apartment ads for apartment rental / finder / locator services –we call them bedbugs [...]

Video links added to Yo’s at-a-glance apartment list
We’re always trying to find ways to make your apartment hunt easier and less time-consuming.
Our at-a-glance list of downtown and Lincoln Park [...]

Rental deal of the day – Lake View alcove studios from $840
Can't decide between Chicago's Lincoln Park and Lake View neighborhoods? The 14-story high-rise at 350 W Oakdale Ave in Lake View is a few short b [...]
JAB Real Estate takes the lead in cleaning up Craigslist
Anyone who’s searched for a Chicago apartment within the past year knows that the apartment locator servicees have trashed Craigslist with many thousa [...]

Breaking news – Mondial sold to Waterton
Earlier this afternoon I spoke to a representative of Waterton Residential who confirmed a rumor I’d heard this morning that Waterton had acquired [...]

Rental deal of the day: East Lakeview 2/2 for $1,550
We’re kicking off a new feature: the rental deal of the day.
The info for our first few posts comes from the founders of Chicago Rentals Direct, a [...]

The highest outdoor pool in the Gold Coast
It’s no secret that YoChicago loves video – in part because it’s one of the services we offer to advertisers, but mostly because we think it’s the [...]

Where are YoChicago readers looking to rent?
It was John Battelle who first tagged the information gathered by Google search as a “database of intentions,” and it seems an apt meme.
Here, [...]

YoChicago’s new at-a-glance list of downtown and Lincoln Park apartments
Chicago’s apartment rental services / locators / finders (bedbugs) work diligently to make you believe that finding an apartment in Chicago is a d [...]

Twenty-five things the rental services won’t tell you
The slick-looking Web sites for apartment rental / locator / finder services tell you that you’ve arrived at Chicago’s premier FREE rental service [...]
Rare Kenilworth rental at $1,000 a month
Have you been longing to ditch your basement apartment in Uptown for an address in tiny, tony Kenilworth but thought you’d never be able to afford [...]
Yelping about heating cost disclosure
All of YoChicago’s rental Guides link to Yelp reviews of buildings and landlords where they’re available, but those reviews aren’t the only useful inf [...]