Category: Neighborhood journal
Curbside parking in Streeterville
The upscale food market Fox & Obel at 401 E. Illinois St. (312-410-7301) in Streeterville is now offering free valet parking, effectively solving one [...]
The changing face of North Sheffield Avenue
The stretch of North Sheffield Avenue between Belmont and Wellington is transforming before our eyes. Within the next couple of years there will be 12 [...]

The message from Central Lake View
I'm puzzled by the Central Lake View Merchants Association's street banners along Belmont and Sheffield. They're the only ones I've ever seen in Ch [...]

West Lakeview drive-by drive-thru?
I don't know about you, but I've never seen a drive-thru florist before this one.
The sign (above) in the window of Floral Bazaar, 2960 W. Belmont, [...]

Watch your head near the Sears Tower
Steph, our woman in the West Loop, reports from downtown: Last night as I came off the Quincy el, I was puzzled to see a few big chunks of spattered s [...]
Curtain call for Gold Coast theater?
YoChicago's Hank from Ye Old Town Triangle reports: The Village Theatre is up for lease! Uh oh. The Village is one of the few remaining small movie h [...]

The Walgreens amendment to the Chicago city charter
This just in from our man "The Bench" in Irving Park: When the Mobil station at the corner of Irving Park Road and Pulaski Road was bulldozed in late [...]
CTA criticized over brown line upgrade
The CTA is frustrating residents near Belmont and Fullerton el stops with its lack of a timetable for the stations' upgrades, as part of the Brown Lin [...]
Old Lincoln Square
The venerable Old Town School of Folk Music threw its annual holiday party Sunday night at Martyrs', which is about a mile down Lincoln Avenue from th [...]
Tough love for Rogers Park
In Chicago, we love our neighborhoods.
Some of us show it in the form of "tough love." Check out the "Broken Heart" of Rogers Park. [...]
Browsing the neighborhoods
If you're in the mood (and who isn't?) to browse photos of Chicago neighborhoods, head on over to This thread features some reall [...]
Second-hand air
According to an Associated Press study of Environmental Protection Agency data, reported by the Chicago Tribune, 280 Illinois neighborhoods are among [...]
Places of convenience close on weekends in downtown Chicago
I came upon a negative to living in the West Loop in an unfortunate way. One Sunday morning I woke up after a particularly late Saturday night, which [...]
Gold Coast chopper
There was a giant helicopter hovering about 300 feet above the intersection of LaSalle and Schiller in the Gold Coast neighborhood Saturday morning ar [...]

Chicago's all Greek to me
I dye my hair darker instead of blonder. I don't own big furry boots to tuck my jeans into, and I never had a pair of UGGs. I never had one of those [...]
Fulton Market on the move
We've heard of Chicago neighborhoods undergoing rapid evolutions and boundary changes - but before now we've never seen it happen over the course of o [...]