
Chicago’s must-read real estate sites

YoChicago aggregates real estate and neighborhood news stories that are relevant to Chicagoans from 100s of local, regional and national news sources at our Chicago Real Estate News page. We update the page several times a day and not-so-modestly think it’s the single best way to stay informed about real estate news and trends that affect you.

In the course of following 100s of sites we’ve come to realize that a few are essential reading. Here are the real estate news sources that are at the top of our list, in no particular order.

Crain’s Chicago Real Estate Daily
offers in-depth original reporting on breaking residential and commercial real estate stories well ahead of everyone else.

Editor Mark Boyer has quickly created a bright, fun, often offbeat and hyper-informative destination for readers and shoppers at Curbed Chicago.

Dennis Rodkin’s Deal Estate column at Chicago Magazine serves up video tours, of interesting properties and solid architectural knowledge along with the more-than-occasional dash of verbal wizardry.

The clear leader among real estate agent bloggers is Prudential Rubloff’s Eric Rojas, one of our clients. His frequently-updated Chicago Real Estate Local site focuses on market conditions and on-the-ground reports from a variety of north side neighborhoods.

Uptown Update is the standout among neighborhood-focused blogs.

In addition to timely articles, the Chicago Tribune Real Estate section features community profiles, information on recent sales and a lot more along with some useful ads you won’t easily find elsewhere.

The national sources we favor include the The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal Developments blog and Calculated Risk.

Have we missed any of your favorites?

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