
City to consider Webster Square revisions

Lincoln Park Hospital redevelopment, Chicago

Sandz Development has agreed to several minor changes to its Webster Square proposal and will present these revisions to the Plan Commission and Zoning Committee later this month.

The changes include:

  • Lowering of the height of proposed homes on Grant Place to 47 feet to match the restrictions on neighboring properties.
  • Removing two planned single-family homes on the north side of Webster to provide a buffer and transition to existing homes to the east.
  • Providing an additional internal loading area to ensure that trucks will not have to back in or out of the loading docks.
  • Providing a recessed curb on the north side of Webster to facilitate traffic movement.
  • Setting back the upper two floors of the 12-story residential building on Webster.

The developer will also make other commitments “through a binding community agreement,” including prohibiting parking on the roof of Webster Square’s parking garage, prohibiting truck traffic from going east on Webster, restricting the times during which deliveries will be allowed, and restricting the overall size of the project including the maximum amount of grocery floor area, says Sandz Vice President David Goldman.

The Webster Square proposal calls for an adaptive reuse of the old Lincoln Park Hospital at the intersection of Lincoln and Webster avenues. The main hospital will be converted to 120 condominiums, a parking structure will become a Fresh Market grocer with 225 parking spaces and a green foof, and new two- to four-bedroom “flats” will replace and reduce the size of existing structures on Grant.

The Plan Commission approved the development last month by a vote of 11-0.

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