Comment of the day: Amidst all the noise…

“The eastern end of Pilsen does seem to be “gentrifying” at a decent or indecent pace depending on your point of view. As for the western end the change seems much slower. I’d have to go down to Cullerton and Sangamon to get a better idea of what is happening right around there, as I don’t recall being there for years. I’ll put it on my biking agenda for warmer weather. The best way I know to see lotsa hoods is by bike. Generally, better retail and restaurants follow new residents into a hood. The only exception I can think of is the “west loop” where fine restaurants largely preceded new residents and acted as a “draw”.

The “good or evil” of gentrification generally takes decades to fully occur. Lincoln Park starting “taking off” in the late 60’s or so and even twenty years later there was residual gang crap going on. Lakeview experienced the same basic phenomena only a 1/2 decade or decade later.

Wicker Park, Bucktown, Uptown etc still have serious issues with crime, gangs, and in Uptown’s case retail also. That doesn’t mean they aren’t improving.

The idea that neighborhoods change overnight is largely wrong. Whatever is happening at Sangamon and Cullerton will take decades to unfold.

I’ll check back in 2028 and see how things look.”

IrishPirate, keeping a cool head in this weekend’s hottest thread. We still haven’t been able to track down a building permit or MLS listing for that building, by the way.

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