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Comment of the day: Folk music cover sparks reader query

We enjoy getting email from our readers, and it’s even better when they pose a question to you, the YoChicago reader. Today we received a missive from Local Realtor, a Yo regular, bemoaning the sorry state of some developments in Chicago.

“Last night I was watching the PBS documentary on folk musician Pete Seeger. One film clip showed him singing the famous Malvina Reynolds (1900-1978) song “Little Boxes” with its famous description of look-alike suburban houses “all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.”

I suppose I’m “dating” myself by saying that I remember that song being played on the radio back in the 60’s. But it springs back into my memory every time I look at a poorly-designed or -renovated housing development, whether a “luxury” condo building in downtown Chicago or a collection of “new construction” single family homes in a former cornfield.

How about it, Yo’ers? What housing monstrosities have you seen lately that make you want to cry out, ‘Malvina, come back! We need you!’ “

We can’t resist a good batch of grousing. Care to offer up some likely candidates?

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