Comment of the day: "Gayle" on Ald. Helen Shiller (46th)

Our post quoting pro-Shiller Chicagoist blogger Kevin Robinson elicited many responses, both pro and con. ”

Gayle said: “I’m wondering how many of the anti-Helen people (both here and elsewhere) are aware of how the ward was run BEFORE she got elected. If you understood the pre-Shiller history of the 46th, perhaps you would understand the reasons for the ‘hold’ she has on the voters there – and not just the ‘underclass.’ Both rich and poor residents of Uptown were ignored/exploited by the Machine-based hacks who held sway before a breath of independent air swept her (and others) into office taking Uptown and other needy neighborhoods out from under the Organization’s thumb. Has she made mistakes/enemies over the years? Yes, but that’s politics. Has she also done good things for the neighborhoods and the people in them? Yes, and that’s politics also. It’s the way the City that Works …works.”

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