
Construction views – City Hyde Park and Vue53

It’s been nearly 25 years since a new high-rise apartment building has been built in Hyde Park. That decades-long drought is slated to end next year with the opening of two projects that are in the early stages of construction: City Hyde Park and Vue53.

City Hyde Park will occupy the block-long site, pictured above, directly adjacent to the 51st St / 53rd St Metra station and just north of the new Harper Court development.

The development will include 182 apartments in a Studio Gang-designed high-rise, and 110,000 square feet of retail space anchored by Whole Foods.

Vue53 will add 267 apartments and 30,000 square feet of retail to a sprawling site on the 1300 block of East 53rd St. The site has been completely cleared and fenced.

The alley behind Vue53 was formerly known as Graffiti Alley. We dipped into YoChicago’s network archive of more than 350,000 images and located a shot from November of 2006.

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