
Did Planned Property’s Dan McDonough eat a dog treat?

Planned Property Management, one of our sponsors, bills 1000 North LaSalle as the “dog friendliest apartment building in Chicago’s Gold Coast.”

I’ve visited the building and its adjacent dog park several times with Dan McDonough, Planned’s marketing director, and can vouch for its dog-friendliness. There’s a supply of free dog treats in the management office, and the building recently added night lights, a grassy area, a poop-bag dispenser and paw-activated water fountains to the dog park.

At a recent resident event, Planned ran contests for the most talented dog, happiest dog and best owner-dog look-alike in the building. At 1:54 in the above video, McDonough appears to down a dog treat while competing in the happiest dog contest. I have a call in to Dan to learn whether he entered himself and his dog, Butkus, in the look-alike contest.

You can see my recent visit to the 1000 N LaSalle dog park in the following video:

If there’s ever a contest for best dancing by a Chicago apartment marketing director, McDonough has to be a contender:

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