An individual by the name of Michael Gutierrez has been and is running multiple ads in the Housing Wanted section of Craigslist, claiming he’s in need of apartments for his relocation clients. None of the ads I’ve seen from Gutierrez identify the brokerage firm he’s affiliated with.
According to the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation database, Gutierrez is licensed only as a leasing agent, and his license is held by a sponsoring broker, Continuum Brokers.
The Illinois Real Estate License Act, 225 ILCS 454, has clear and relevant requirements that apply to Gutierrez’ ads.
Section 10-30 (d) of the Act states that “A sponsored licensee may not advertise under his or her own name. Advertising in any media shall be under the direct supervision of the sponsoring or managing broker and in the sponsoring broker’s business name …”
According to Section 10-30 (f) “The sponsoring broker’s business name and the name of the licensee must appear in all advertisements …”
Any time you see an ad from a rental service that doesn’t include the business name of a licensed broker, quickly move on to the next ad. You’re only asking for trouble when you initiate a relationship with someone who engages in what appears to be a clear violation of the licensing law.