East-West U and the South Loop apartment market

According to one report, Chicago’s Loop area is home to more than 30 different educational institutions with more than 65,000 students.

A number of the schools offer housing facilities for their students, but students also have a substantial presence in many of the South and West Loop’s apartment buildings. The school-affiliated housing options are pricey and rule-bound, providing several incentives for students to opt for apartment buildings. Their insider contact with incoming students does, however, give them a marketing edge.

East-West University recently opened its new Student Life Center at 819 S Wabash Ave, with 10 floors of on-campus housing available to students at local colleges. The facility’s 70 dorm-like apartments can accommodate more than 200 residents.

South Loop apartment buildings have higher vacancy rates than they did several months ago. Is that a direct result of the new East-West facility?

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