
Erecting the tower crane at K2 at K Station

A well-run high-rise construction site is an amazing scene, buzzing with a variety of activities, with massive amounts of material arriving constantly and quickly being put in place.

McHugh Construction, the general contractor for K2 at K Station, is one of the nation’s most experienced contractors. I spent several hours at the K2 site today, and everything seemed to be moving along effortlessly – a tribute to McHugh’s organizational and planning skills.

The video focuses on union ironworkers as they add two sections to a tower crane rising toward a 238-foot height and 500-ton weight. The machinery may dominate the broad picture, but machines couldn’t build a high-rise without the muscle, skill and precision teamwork of crews like these awesome ironworkers.

This is one of a series of videos on the construction of K2, a 34-story apartment tower in Chicago’s Fulton River District.

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