
Flair Tower pursuing LEED certification

Flair Tower River North

Flair Tower, 222 W Erie St, is set to open to renters Spring of 2010 with 98 units, 9,500 square feet of retail and 210 parking spots. According to the website, this River North high-rise is pursuing Silver LEED certification, potentially lowering the carbon footprint of every resident. LEED measures a broad range of elements: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation in design, and regional priority. Most of the categories are generally self-explanatory, with the exception of “regional priority.” The U.S. Green Building Council describes it as “environmental importance for a project’s region.”

There are four levels of certification. Certified is a score of 40-49 points, Bronze is 50-59 points, 60-69 points for Silver, 70-79 points for Gold, and any score of 80 points or higher receives a Platinum certification. In Chicago, nine buildings have received a Platinum certification including City of Chicago Department of Environment, Exelon Headquarters, and the FBI Regional Office.

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