
Great Lakeview East apartments from Reside Living

Lakeview East has long been one of Chicago’s most popular neighborhoods. Proximity to Lincoln Park, excellent access to public transit and a thriving retail, restaurant, bar and nightlife scene makes Lakeview East a must-consider option, and the scheduled opening of a new Mariano’s on Broadway is certain to increase its popularity.

When you start your Lakeview East apartment hunt at Reside Living there’s a good chance you’ll end your search there.

Reside Living has more than 1,000 apartments in Lakeview in beautifully-renovated buildings that range from vintage walk-ups to a contemporary high-rise.

All of the buildings have prime near-the-park locations east of Broadway, with good access to public transportation, restaurants, bars and grocery shopping.

If you’ve already been apartment shopping in Lakeview East, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the level of amenities and services available at Reside Living buildings.

Reside Living apartments have recently-renovated kitchens and baths with stylish finishes.

Insider tip: You’ll find near real-time rent and availability info at Reside Living websites. Reside apartments rent quickly, and it’s a smart strategy to begin your apartment hunt 60 days in advance if you want to lock in the most desirable apartments.

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