Working with a rental service guarantees that you’ll miss out on some of the best located, most fairly priced and most nicely renovated apartments in Lincoln Park.
A number of Lincoln Park’s largest landlords don’t cooperate with rental services, and rental services will steer renters away from their properties.
Some of Lincoln Park’s large landlords only cooperate with rental services on their harder-to-rent apartments, reserving their best apartments for renters who aren’t working with a rental service.
Some of Lincoln Park’s smaller landlords will charge you a higher rent when you work with a rental services to recoup the month’s rent they’re paying the service. So much for that “free” service you were gulled into using.
There’s a single word that perfectly describes renters who work with a rental service before contacting Lincoln Park’s major property managers directly: suckers.
YoChicago advertisers own and manage 1,000s of apartments in prime Lincoln Park locations in buildings that range from 3-flats to high-rises. Give them a call rather than contacting a rental service. You’ll save time, avoid hassles, and you may save some money.
BJB Properties, 15 properties Eugenie Terrace, a full-amenity high-rise fronting the park Planned Property Management, 6 properties Reside Living, 5 properties Webster Square, new luxury apartments across from Oz Park