Is your developer a poster child for "failure to communicate?"

As developers hunker down against the storms slamming their business, they often leave their buyers twisting in the wind with no direction home.

We’ve heard from a number of those buyers lately, people whose lives are being unfairly trifled with and who are looking for some guidance on how to get clear answers about when – or if – they’ll be able to close on their home purchase.

We’ve just started a new discussion at New Home Notebook: What to do when your developer doesn’t communicate. Head over there and share your stories, your frustrations, and your tips on how you got your developer to communicate with you. You’ll need to register with a valid e-mail address, and that should help ensure that the stories are valid and not competitors taking shots at each other.

I’ll chime in at New Home Notebook with some suggestions. Hopefully the existence of an easily searched public forum will put some pressure on developers to do what’s right by their buyers.

NOTE: I’ve closed comments on this post and am requesting that the discussion take place at New HomeNotebook in the forum linked above.

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