
JAB Real Estate takes the lead in cleaning up Craigslist

Anyone who’s searched for a Chicago apartment within the past year knows that the apartment locator servicees have trashed Craigslist with many thousands of bait-and-switch and misleading ads.

We’ve previously suggested an easy way for landlords and reputable brokers to make it easy for renters to find actual apartment ads on Craigslist and skip the come-ons for locator services.

The first landlord has taken us up on our suggestion, and posted Craigslist ads that include the address, a floor plan and photos – and the easy-to-search phrase “Advertiser owned.”

Kudos to JAB Real Estate for taking a leadership role in making life a bit easier for renters. YoChicago will continue to encourage landlords to help clean up Craigslist, and will help promote those who make the effort.

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