View Lincoln Park apartments for rent in a larger map
We’re determined to make apartment-hunting in Chicago a faster, easier and far more informed process.
Our latest effort in that regard – one of many that we have underway – is the Lincoln Park apartment map and at-a-glance list. The first draft of the list was published several days ago, and the map went live earlier today. They’re both works in progress.
Our goal is for the list and map to be comprehensive: to include basic info about every multi-family Lincoln Park building that has a Web page, with links to that page and to third-party reviews. The linked landlord sites contain detailed information about most of the buildings, pictures, floor plans and availability lists. It’s far more – and more accurate – information than you can find anywhere else.
If you’re a Lincoln Park landlord who has multiple units, and we’ve missed your 2-flat or larger building(s), send an e-mail with the details to yojoe at yochicago dot com. We reserve the right to exclude landlords who’ve achieved a bad reputation among tenants.
Taken together, the Lincoln Park apartment map, the at-a-glance list, our rental Guide and videos, our Lincoln Park Flickr albums, our neighborhood pages and our ongoing coverage of Lincoln Park sale and rental developments give Lincoln Park renters an unparalleled and visually rich overview of the neighborhood.
If you like what we’re doing, pass along a link to YoChicago. If you have suggestions for improving our efforts, we’d like to hear them.