
Mayor promises expedited U of C permits, endorses aldermanic shakedowns

If you’d hoped the change to a new mayor might lessen an alderman’s ability to make irrelevant demands in connection with building permits, keep hoping for more change.

The Tribune reports on the Mayor, the University of Chicago’s expansion plans, and the Aldermanic response:

Ald. Willie Cochran, whose 20th Ward borders the university on the south and west, said he and other aldermen have proposed having a memorandum of agreement written up that would ensure minority and neighborhood participation in the university’s building efforts.

“We understand the need for expedited permits, but we want (the university) to be good neighbors and good investors in the community,” he said.

Emanuel supports the idea of the university agreeing to provide jobs to minorities and local residents, his spokeswoman said.

Count on your alderman to tell you what it means to be a “good neighbor.”

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