
New Home Notebook, Phase I launch

We’ve had a long-standing goal of making it easy for you to find information about every new construction project in the City of Chicago.

New Home Notebook, a product of our sister company, is the way we’ve chosen to accomplish that goal. The first phase of New Home Notebook went live late this evening. Phase I is simply a list of all of the projects we’re aware of, with links to Web sites built on our new platform for some of those projects.

Another goal is to enable home buyers to rate and review new construction projects, and post photos they’ve taken of those project and the surrounding area. When this functionality rolls out, YoChicago staff will rate and review projects along with home buyers, and the results will be available in a format that’s easier to access than YoChicago’s blog format. We’ll launch those features, and a lot more, over the next few months. To understand where New Home Notebook is heading, think Amazon or Yelp for new construction.

We appreciate your patience with the inevitable launch glitches, and strongly encourage your feedback.

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