
New townhomes, apartments planned for Near North Side

Crain’s Chicago Real Estate Daily reports that CMK Companies has filed an application to rezone a site at 1009 N Cleveland Ave for 47 townhomes and 10 apartments.

The site is a block east and two blocks south of a new Target that’s slated to open soon at Division and Larrabee.

The site has been vacant for more than a dozen years after Jenner Elementary school was torn down and rebuilt a block north. There’s a playground at the new Jenner Academy and Seward Park is just northeast of the site.

The existing development in adjacent blocks is low-rise, leaving open vistas of the skyline to the east and south from the site.

The above view from a 5th floor condo at Parkside of Old Town on Division St should be similar to the view south from the new townhomes.

This view of the site was shot from the roof of the Montgomery condos, 500 W Superior St.

We have more than 300,000 images online on our network, and can present a clearer picture of a site than you’ll get from out-of-date Google street view images.

Note: CMK’s 235 Van Buren is one of YoChicago’s sponsors.

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