
NIMBYs get in over their head, get hung out to dry

According to DNAinfo, the Medical District Apartments (MDA) was apparently willing to sell its two-story parking garage for the development of a Walgreens on the site. A group of townhome owners in the planned development that includes the apartments and the parking garage objected to the sale, blocking the Walgreens.

MDA had allowed the townhome residents to use its swimming pool for a fee of $4,000 per year, which hadn’t been paid for years. MDA sent the townhome owners a bill for $48,000, which they would have to pay before continuing their use of the pool. MDA gave the owners the alternative of withdrawing their objections to the sale of the garage for development of the Walgreens.

One NIMBY’s response: “The gall of these corporate people to deny the kids” access to the pool.

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