
Old Main Post Office – I hear a deafening roar of BS

Here’s the lead paragraph from today’s Chicago Real Estate Daily on Martin Mulryan, the “point man for Old Main Post Office:”

When Martin Mulryan got a call from longtime business acquaintance Bill Davies about redeveloping a post office in Chicago, he imagined “a corner shop with two old ladies.”

Unless there’s more to Martin Mulryan than can be found by Googling him, he might – and I emphasize might – be able to manage the project he imagined.

Manage a $3.5 billion redevelopment in Chicago? Why is anyone in the media quoting this guy without doing some due diligence on him and on his developer’s claims about their background? I can understand Curbed taking this guy seriously, but Crain’s?

Mulryan is a guy who has recently thrown together a semi-literate website that, among other howlers, lists “Stainability” as one of the sectors in which his firm is involved.

Every single time in the past when I’ve seen someone mention the “prestigeous” building in which his office is located the individual has been a third-rate tin-eared con artist, or worse. And that’s many a time.

Mulryan’s website touts the firm’s new London office – which also happens to be the location of a Regus rent-a-space or rent-a-front “priced to suit any budget: from $59 a month.”

We here at YoChicago don’t have the resources of a Crain’s to pursue this story further – but we do have a finely tuned ear for BS, and we’re hearing a deafening amount of it in connection with this development.

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