
Online specials – free rent in River North

You’ll often find what appear to be different rental deals on the same building depending on which website you’re looking at. Take the high-rise at 77 West Huron in River North as an example.

At Apartments.com rents in the building are quoted as starting at $1,315 a month for a 536 square foot studio, and there’s an offer for a “Look N Lease SPECIAL.” Rent within 24 hours and receive the first month’s rent free.

At the building’s website, a 536 square foot studio starts at $1,195 a month, which is close to the $1,205 a month you’d pay on average after receiving a month’s free at $1,315 – but no units of that type are currently available.

There’s only one studio available at 77 W Huron, and the rent is $1,292 a month. The website is offering a discount of $100 each month on a 9 to 12 month lease. It isn’t clear whether the stated rent is before or after the discount.

The 304-unit building lists 22 apartments available for immediate occupancy, a 7.2% vacancy rate.

We’re seeing month and month-and-a-half free rent offers at a number of downtown Chicago buildings. So far, the offers are limited to a few buildings rather than an indication of a general softness in the market.

It’s always best to check pricing and availability directly with the property rather than relying on secondary sources. It’s not unusual to find online offers that you won’t hear about from apartment rental services.

You can see all of your options in River North and nearby neighborhoods on YoChicago’s at-a-glance apartment list and map for the Near North area.

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