
Polo Café in Bridgeport – Number 1 on TripAdvisor

I’ve known Dave Samber, the owner of Bridgeport‘s wonderful Polo Cafe for well over 30 years. Some of the best meals I’ve ever eaten were leftovers at Dave’s apartment – and some have been lunches at Polo Café.

A while back I introduced the folks at Bridgeport’s Lexington Square to Dave in the above video.

A few minutes ago, Dave sent the following e-mail advising that Polo Café had top ranking on the popular TripAdvisor site. He’s still in that position as I write.

I was doing somersaults at #97…then dropped to #42 overnight…from there hit #13 and immediately went to #14…then around Easter I got a call from a lady from the hood who had worked for me over 20 years ago when I was just a candy store asking me did I know I was #12 on tripadvisor.com??

WHOA!! I stayed there until a week ago Tuesday when I advanced to #3… OMG … then yesterday around 10 a.m. I was at Northwest Meats where I buy those great baby-back ribs showing Stanley’s son Andrew our ranking on tripadvisor.com (thinking I was #3) when Polo Cafe popped-up #1!! The cumulative reviews propelled us past Yolk and Girl & the Goat…I’m stunned!! Make a reservation and treat yourself to our cuisine ranked #1 on tripadvisor…773-927-7656.

Taste of Chicago is around the corner and this is our 20th year there…hard to believe!! I’ll present a cooking demo at the Dominick’s Cooking Stage on Wednesday, June 29th at 3:30 featuring an Irish Brunch as part of the Celtic theme of that day at the Taste. Bring your friends…there’s no charge!!

A well-earned honor, Dave. Good thing you didn’t listen to me 30 years ago when I said you were crazy to open a nut and candy store in Bridgeport!

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