A 29 year-old paralegal moves back to Portage Park and dreams of a Starbucks. An alderman says “most of his new neighbors come from trendy neighborhoods to the east.”
The white population of Portgage Park decreases by 12.9% and the Hispanic population increases by 25.4%. Professionals pack up and move on. Storefronts empty.
That’s enough for today’s Sun-Times to conclude that Portage Park is going “posh, with south of the border spice.”
Yo’s offering to pop for El fare to send the Sun-Times reporters out for a look around Portage Park. According to the Sun-Times “It’s just blocks from the Kennedy and Edens expressways. The three major bus routes intersecting at Six Corners and the Blue Line L train are within walking distance from nearly everywhere in the neighborhood.”
Once the Sun-Times reporters have taken the two-mile walk from the Blue Line at the northeast corner of Portage Park to “nearly everywhere in the neighborhood” they’re likely to have a different take on Portage Park. Posh? Bosh!